A few words about co-op marketing
This is a message from your upline in Success University,
Zamri Nanyan, and this message is going out to everyone
on my team up to six levels below. Read this message very
closely and pass it on to your teams.
First off, welcome to the new team members if you've joined
us. I'm sure that your immediate sponsor has sent you a
welcome letter. My advice is that take Success University
seriously and we can build a nice income from the Internet
I just came back from my one-week vacation and boy, it
feels great. Although I was off for a week, our team keeps
on growing without me.
It shows that Success University works, and it means that
you can have growth in your team too if you keep on working
on it.
Now I'm back for action and I'd like to bring up the issue
of team co-op again.
OK, about Daegan's team co-op...
Daegan mentioned briefly in his message below but I want to
grab your attention on the results from co-op advertising.
I've been on Daegan's co-ops since I joined this business
early this year. Although I put my effort in promoting
Success University myself, I can see that those who
participated got a few signups as well. I also see that
my downline could only get their first signup after two
co-op participations while others get more.
But believe me! Co-op marketing works and if you get the
right people to join, your team will explode...
To let you know a little bit of the inside story... I joined
Success University through one of co-op advertising in an
I joined early this year and saw my sponsor quit the next
month. However, I believed in Success University and I
stick around, building this business like mentioned in
"Internet MLM Success" ebook. Soon, my team has grown in
Now, what if it's you who sponsored a downline member like
me? Would you like to quit the next month? Of course not!
Would you stop joining the co-op? Of course not!
I know that I'd join Daegan's co-op every time he organizes
it because I'd never know the big shots who'd joined me in
the next few months or even next year. Those big shots are
just waiting for me to let them know about Success University.
I can't afford to lose those great people.
So, take co-op as part of your business operating costs,
because that's what I do every month. $49.95 is my tuition
fee and $80 is my co-op advertising costs that I should not
miss. It's like the costs of hiring a shoplot and stocking
products in the offline business (the costs that you can't
avoid to do business).
After getting leads from your co-op, get them into your
autoresponder so that the system does the sorting, qualifying
and signing up the members for you. If you already have an
autoresponder, use it. If you don't have one yet, get it now.
Our team recommends Aweber: http://mlmlessons.com/aweber
or GetResponse: http://getresponse.com/index/zamrinanyan
It's a follow-up weapon that I use to sign up new team
on a daily basis.
On a second topic...
I know that some of you have not seen any success that
you are looking for in Success University yet. Take a
deep breath and look at what you should and what you
should not do. Read "Internet MLM Success" ebook and see
if you've followed the methods in the guide. If you have
read it, read it one more time.
Apart from joining the co-op, you should also do your own
marketing. Roll up your sleeves and get into it. You'll
have fun learning and earning at the same time.
If you're concerned about your advertising budget, look for
free marketing strategies. They are a few available in the
ebook that you can try yourself.
For example, mix around and participate in the online forums.
Skeptical if forums are any good? Don't be anymore! Remember
that Daegan joined Success University after seeing a post
in a forum he participate in. Look what he's built in this
Remember my friend, I'm here as your team member, your
friend and your partner. I will sometimes say the truth
that might not be pleasant to hear. I'm doing this for
you to succeed because I know that all of you are good
individuals who have dreams to succeed in Success University.
You are not just an email address to me!
To our success,
Zamri Nanyan
Success University Team Leader
Subject: Success University Intensive Training Part 1: The Landscape
This is a message from your upline Director in Success
University, Daegan Smith, and this message is going out to
everyone on my team up to six levels below. We are over
2572+ members in 8 Months! Read this message very
closely and pass it on to your teams.
Hey team,
We are moving along quite well so I wanted to take a week
before you we do our next co-op to do some extensive
training. I want everyone on the team rolling at full speed
and with all the knowledge they need to get going before we
move forward with the next co-op.
This business is truly the best business I have ever found
to provide the most leverage for anyone with the passion for
more in their life.
Because you can generate leads and measurable results
without having to do any of the selling. The system we have
in place does all of this for us!
With consistent effort anyone can take their Success
University business to any level they want without any of
the hang ups of the past!
So without further ado let’s move forward!
You will probably want to print each of this week’s emails
out for reference in the future.
Let’s start with the landscape!
Here it is.
This business converts like nothing I have every experienced
in my entire life. I have seen anywhere from 5% to 22.7%
conversion from lead to sign up purely by sending traffic to
my lead capture page.
If you have any perspective on sales this is truly an
amazing figure!
The power in it is it’s duplicable nature. We all have the
same ability to produce these sorts of results as long as we
each are adept at ONE skill.
So this is what this week’s extensive training will teach
you to do. To generate large amounts of targeted traffic so
that you can generate your own leads and sign ups in your
So here are the figures to grow your business by:
5% to 22.7% conversion from leads to sign ups
24% conversion from sign up to premium member
65% conversion from free trial sign up to active member
24% duplication rate
What does all this mean?
This means you now have all the information that you need to
produce large scale and MEASUREABLE results in your
I hang my hat on one mantra . . .
If you can generate 100 leads in your Success University
business a month you will soon have a large and thriving
organization what will begin to grow and take on a life of
its own.
Well 100 leads is 3.3 leads a day.
We can all generate that many leads by just following the
information in your team guide.
Internet MLM Success which you can download at
What this will mean on the far conservative side is that
once you get to a point where you are generating this number
of leads you will produce;
At least 5 free trial sign ups a month
3 new active team members
At least 1 premium member upgrade
The duplication process
If you continue to hold to the task of generating 3.3 leads
a day or 100 leads a month you will begin to see that by
your third month of consistent action that you will have at
least 9 active members, 15 free trail sign ups, and at least
3 premium upgrades on your team.
This most exciting part about this figure is that this is
only taking into account your personal actions!
Once you have these sorts of numbers and you’ve taken the
time to teach and train your new team members how to produce
your results, duplication will begin to occur by the third
The best part about the training is 99% of it is done for
you in Success University’s follow up system and by just
getting your new team member a copy of our team “Internet
MLM Success”. All you really have to do is support your new
team member and answer their questions regarding the process
and getting started.
Everything is leveraged for your success.
The biggest mistake that I see people make is that they let
their heads get in the way.
They will put in a little effort and get a few results, but
when they see that it takes consistent work to produce
results they give up.
Be a network marketing Rhino!
Have tough skin and charge ahead! Don’t let your head cheat
you out of your dreams!
The best way to prevent this from happening is to make sure
you consistently take the courses in your Success University
back office. This will keep you in the proper mind state for
consistent success.
If there is any secret to what I’ve had on the path I’ve
personally taken it’s that I consistently listen to personal
development and I don’t let my mind slow me down.
If you make a commitment to yourself and to your business by
just holding to generating 100 leads a month and training
your donwline to do the same you CANNOT fail. It’s literally
The truth is if you do more your business will grow faster!
So why not up the ante to 200 leads a month?
Be a Rhino! Put your business blinders on and only look
There are always things to distract you. Don’t let them.
Know your goal and then shoot for it. Then keep shooting for
it until you get it.
You are looking for geometric progression in your business
and if you hold to the business plan back listed above
backed up by the statistics that I’ve given above you will
hit geometric progress.
Geometric progression is the point of true duplication where
your team grows and you’re off on the beach somewhere and
living your financially free lifestyle to the fullest and
your income continues to grow no matter what you do.
100 leads a month and then teach and train your team to
generate 100 leads a month and you can’t fail!
Remember, success is very simple with this
All you have to do is get as much targeted traffic to your
lead capture page on a consistent basis as possible:
Then give your growing team as much support as you possibly
can and the rest will take care of itself.
How do you get target traffic to your lead capture page?
Just send an email to XXX.com for a copy of our
team guide “Internet MLM Success” and that’s the best place
to start!
Once you believe in your heart you will have massive success
with your Success University business you will. That’s the
simple truth.
So make up your mind and dare to achieve more than you ever
thought possible and I and your upline will be there with
you ever step of the way!
To the top,
Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
Email: da3gan@gmail.com
Blog: http://www.ultimatemlmblog.com
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