This is a message from your upline in Success University,
Zamri Nanyan, and this message is going out to everyone
on my team up to six levels below. Read this message very
closely and pass it on to your teams.
There are two messages from Daegan that I have in this
1. Team meeting (self explanatory)
2. Advanced Internet Network Marketing
I'll touch a bot about Advanced Internet Network Marketing
I got a question from new members, asking if they need to
get all done in 'Advanced Internet Network Marketing' before
they could join the co-op.
The answer is... NO!
For the upcoming Daegan's co-op, what you need to do is
purchase at least one share (maximum is 3) and give Daegan
your SU lead capture page. That's it!
Your lead capture page looks like below:
(replace username with your real SU username).
You don't want to give other webpage other than the lead
capture page above because Daegan's personal email campaign
will ask prospects to visit the lead capture page of yours
and you don't want them to be misled with different info.
You could give the Adminder tracking link that redirect
the click to your SU lead capture page and I strongly
recommend you to track your clickthru rate because you
can know how effective the co-op performs.
Adminder service is available at
http://www.adminder.com/go.cgi?id=zamriand if you don't know how to use it, let me know and I will
set it up for you.
If you are starting out in SU, then this coming co-op is a
huge marketing campaign for you. I've been in the co-op
every time Daegan organizes it and I've never missed signing
up new team members from this co-op campaign.
It's our team secret and I want you to really consider joining
this co-op.
Oh! You can give Advanced Internet Network Marketing method
Daegan discussed below a try once you understand a little bit
about Internet or when you are ready...
Any questions? Just contact me at www.ZamriNanyan.com/contact.
To our success,
Zamri Nanyan
Success University Team Leader
This is a message from your upline Director in Success
University, Daegan Smith, and this message is going out to
everyone on my team up to six levels below. We are over
3199+ members in 11 Months! Read this message very
closely and pass it on to your teams!
Ok Team,
This is just a quick reminder that we have a team meeting
tomorrow at 4pm EST in our team conference room.
We have much to discuss, so bring your questions and your
State Of Business
Recruiting Basics
Case Study Of Recent Mailing
Co-op Update
Advanced Internet MLM
Success Stories
Team Updates
Be there or be square!
Here is the link to download our team online conference
Remember, success is very simple with this business.
All you have to do is get as much targeted traffic to your
lead capture page on a consistent basis as possible:
Then give your growing team as much support as you possibly
can and the rest will take care of itself.
Focus on consistently generating just 100 leads a months,
or 3 leads a day and your financial freedom is just around
the corner.
How do you get target traffic to your lead capture page?
Just send an email to XXX.com for a copy of our
team guide “Internet MLM Success” and that’s the best place
to start!
Once you believe in your heart you will have massive success
with your Success University business you will. That’s the
simple truth.
So make up your mind and dare to achieve more than you ever
thought possible and I and your upline will be there with
you ever step of the way!
To the top,
Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
http://www.internetmlmsuccess.nethttp://www.netmlmprofit.comhttp://www.ultimatemlmlist.com/r.php?u=profitsBlog: http://www.ultimatemlmblog.com
How Do I Make Myself Standout From The Crowd? Advanced Internet Network Marketing Part 2
This is a message from your upline Director in Success
University, Daegan Smith, and this message is going out to
everyone on my team up to six levels below. We are over
3191+ members in 11 Months! Read this message very
closely and pass it on to your teams!
Hey team,
A quick update on the email I sent you yesterday about my
newsletter ad mailing.
As of right now that ad has produced over 430 leads and has
generated 33 new team members. That’s about $1.62 a lead and
about $21 per sign up with a conversion ratio of lead to
sign up of 7.8%.
I will give you a final total next week when the ad run
comes to completion.
Next . . .
I continue to get very positive responses from the members
of our last month’s team
co-op based on its performance and so this brings up two
1. When will we being the next team co-op?
We will open the enrollment for next month’s team co-op next
Monday so look for details at that time.
2. The next lesson in this advanced internet network
marketing training series.
The reason for this is because of this strong performance of
our team co-op most recent format and it’s easy of
duplicability I want to teach you exactly what I do and how
you can use it to your advantage as well.
First, if you don’t remember the first lesson head over to
the blog via this link to refresh your memory.
I am creating this series of messages because I want to give
you an additional and highly powerful way to promote your SU
business that will give you a concise step by step model to
follow, increase your conversions and team growth over the
course of time, and last but not least help give you a
unique voice and a unique relationship with your leads so
they will absolutely want to be a part of whatever it is you
are doing.
I got asked the question earlier today of “How do I make
myself stand out from the crowd online if there are so many
people promoting Success University?”
This series of emails is the answer to that question.
I want to break down this entire process into simple parts
so that you can understand exactly why it works so
effectively and the task that you need to do set up a
similar system for your own success.
For the team co-op I direct all traffic to
http://www.comlev.com and then the traffic is redirected to
a redirect page which set’s the leads expectations to
receive an email from us, that they are going to be
forwarded to an important site very soon. Also we are able
to place tracking code on that site so that we can track the
effectiveness of what we are doing.
Some of the leads opt into the SU lead capture page after
the initial opt in and some don’t and that’s fine because
all of our leads are going to our own autoresponder on the
front end.
So to make this simple the first things you need are
1. A Personal Lead Capture Page
2. A Personal Redirect Page With Customized Text And Our Own
Personal Tracking Code
3. An Autoresponder
Next in the process is writing relationship building emails
to the leads on the list consistently twice a day.
Once the leads are captured by our lead capture page the
next thing that I do is I set out to contact the leads in a
personal way with the optimal goal of writing one email that
is informational in the morning and one email that is more
of a sales pitch in the afternoon.
Then do this consistently until the leads unsubscribe, join
our business, or make personal contact.
That’s really all there is to this system.
Doing this will show your leads that you are consistent in
your actions and this consistency will lead to implied
trust. Over the course of warming your leads up through
personal email they will become more open and receptive your
offer for joining your SU team.
The format of the emails:
The morning email is more informational.
Kinda like this email that your reading right now. The only
difference is I generally ad a small ad for Success
University as a top sponsor and as a P.S. statement.
These emails are generally about anything I’m thinking about
that I think my leads will find value in.
For example . . .
A course I took as a member of SU, a CD or personal
development tape I was currently listening too, personal
interaction that I have, new exciting happenings in our
business etc.
If you think about it form this standpoint you really can
never run out of content.
The email in the afternoon is usually more of a hard sale
strongly worded pitch with a big reason for the lead to join
our SU team.
For the second email, I sometimes take a headline or a
testimonial from our SU sales page, give the email an
appropriate headline and then add the following text at the
Join Our Team Now! => SU link
Then I sign of (actually in both emails with)
To the top,
Doing this creates a consistent click through rate i.e.
target traffic to our team’s lead capture pages of about 300
clicks in the morning and 700 at night on average. (The list
we have accumulated for the team co-op so far is about 20k)
All this traffic is completely in my control.
Now the one thing that we have not discussed is where I get
traffic from to opt into the lead capture pages.
Google Adwords And GetRespone Lead’s campaigns . . .
I suggest if you are going start using this marketing method
to your advantage that you also start with these two methods
as they are very simple to use and can create opt ins to
your list as early as tomorrow.
Only after getting a hang of the format and generating
consistent traffic using these two methods should you
consider expanding your traffic generation repertoire.
But . . .
The great thing about this, is every email that you send out
to your list is content that you can also use to generate
traffic in other methods like blogging and writing article.
So what this means is after you write an email to your list
you can archive it on a blog so that search engines can
eventually spider your content add it to their natural
search listings.
Over time this can create a strong search engine presence
for you and your list.
An example of this is the way that I post article to our
team blog.
I send the message out to the team, but then I also post it
online to our team blog because I know the search engines
will spider it and add it to their database and over the
course of time this can create free search engine traffic to
your blog and your web presence.
Further you can take same content that you used first as an
article and then as a blog post and you can add a resource
box with your name and a link to your Success University
lead capture page on it and then post that SAME content as
an article in online article directories.
All this from the simple process of generating traffic that
generates a list and then emailing that list consistently.
I hope you can imagine the sort of web presence that you can
create over time by following this format.
More importantly . . .
If you spend your time developing a list where you develop a
relationship with the people on that list then you have
created an additional ASSET in the process of growing your
SU downline.
Heaven forbid anything happens to SU . . . You will still
have your list and the relationship with the people on that
list to fall back on.
I know all this may sound confusing and you might not see
the whole big picture of what I’m trying to teach with this,
but in the next couple of days I will be creating videos
that will show you how to do each and every step that I’ve
described to you here.
Take some time to get your mid around these new concepts and
we’ll move on tomorrow.
Remember this advanced internet network marketing system is
based on you creating your presence and your own
relationship with your leads and using that to drive traffic
to your website and create content that can be leverage in
other ways.
Simply the ideas this and the rest of the emails in this
series discuss are aimed at helping you create your own
captive market and then delivering content and value to them
so that you create a win win scenario between you and them
so that you can leverage to create increased success in your
business for less money and less time.
That is, if you choose to use the system that I am going
through here and over the next couple of day once you have
everything set up and in motion your only job will be to
write two emails a day and then respond when someone
contacts you personally.
Remember . . .
The ultimate job for us as Success University distributors
in an online sense is to get as many people to our lead
capture page as we possibly can. By using this model you will
have many many opporutnities to present your lead capture
page to your prospects in an open and trusting frame of
mind. This is GOOD!
Don’t forget if you’re rusty or you don’t understand some of
the terminology that I’ve used just send an email over to
XXX.com and download a copy of our team eBook and
take the time to read through it to completion.
Remember, success is very simple with this business.
All you have to do is get as much targeted traffic to your
lead capture page on a consistent basis as possible:
Then give your growing team as much support as you possibly
can and the rest will take care of itself.
Focus on consistently generating just 100 leads a months,
or 3 leads a day and your financial freedom is just around
the corner.
How do you get target traffic to your lead capture page?
Just send an email to XXX.com for a copy of our
team guide “Internet MLM Success” and that’s the best place
to start!
Once you believe in your heart you will have massive success
with your Success University business you will. That’s the
simple truth.
So make up your mind and dare to achieve more than you ever
thought possible and I and your upline will be there with
you ever step of the way!
To the top,
Daegan Smith
Success University Director
Silver Spring, MD
http://www.internetmlmsuccess.nethttp://www.netmlmprofit.comhttp://www.ultimatemlmlist.com/r.php?u=profitsBlog: http://www.ultimatemlmblog.com