Internet MLM Success

Building Success University program using the methods in Internet MLM Success guide and Net MLM Profits. You won't find hypes or empty promises here. You'll find pure knowledge on how to build a successful Online MLM Business. What more? Learn what works and what doesn't work from my own journey.

Success University

Monday, January 09, 2006

Success University Works!

This message is from Eric Hurczak, your upline Counselor
in Success University and is being sent to my entire downline
six levels below. Feel free to send this message to your
downline as well.

Greetings To Everyone!

First off, a special welcome to all new members who just
recently joined us. We've had members from all across
the globe join our team. That's what makes Success
University so special, it truly is a global opportunity like
no other. S.U. is in over 120 countries and counting!

Can you say GROWTH? But here is the exciting part,
Success University is still in it's infancy stage. This
means there is still TREMENDOUS growth ahead of
us. There will be tens, and tens of thousands of people
seeing the potential of this business and joining as
well in the near future.

Yes, there will be some exciting times ahead. I urge
you to make the decision to stick with it, make plans
to be hear for a year, and I know you will be surprised,
delighted and excited by what has transpired at the end
of the year in your S.U. business.

I can say with out hesitation, that Success University
works! I have been in S.U. approaching almost four
months now, and I can tell you that my downline line
and checks continue to grow each month. Now I'm not
in the same league as the big boy's yet, but I have
seen the light and know that I will get there...sooner
rather than later.

And I should mention that I am doing this on a part
time basis. Like many of you I have a job to go to,
and a small family with two small children that look
forward to "Daddy" time. My devilish 2 year old little
girl is notorious for seeking me out when ever I am
home, bless her heart. I refuse to shut them out,
so most time I am working on my biz with my little
girl buzzing around me.

My point is that by working my business only on a
part time basis (distractions and all) it is continuing
to grow. So if I can do it with my limited time, so can
YOU! If you already know that this is the right business
for you, then I suggest you focus your concentration
like a laser on building your business and making this
your best year EVER!

I haven't even mentioned yet how you are now part of a
dynamic, motivated and very creative team with many
experienced marketers and networkers in your upline.
One of your upline members, Daegan Smith who is a
phenomenal internet marketer and is creating some
absolutely incredible business building tools that are
available to our team only. Daegan is really doing great
things for the growth of this team.

So what you have already is a fantastic business, that is
being made even better by some members of our team.
I guess now you know why I am excited about where
we are headed.

I hope were able to listen in to last nights faculty call with
Dr. Stan Harris. It was awesome to say the least. He
spoke mostly of the fears most people have and how to
break through them. If you didn't get a chance to listen to
it keep an eye out for an email from S.U that will contain
a link to the replay of the call. Listen to it, it's really good.

Anyway, I've gone on long enough. I look forward to working
with many of you so that we all can have a tremendous
year. I plan on having one...I hope you do to!

Also keep a look out for an email from Daegan very soon
regarding this months ad co-op. If your new to the business
and don't know how to market or where to begin, the ad
co-op is a great place to start. You'll be leveraging some
of your advertising dollars with many others that gives us the
ultimate leverage for building our team growth. Our last
couple of co-ops have topped out at over $10,000 each
time! That buys us lot's of exposure.

That's it for now. If you have any questions just call or
email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

To Our Success!


Eric Hurczak


You can do anything in this world you want to do,
but you must want to do it badly enough.
You really can have everything you want, if you go after it.
You have to want it.

The first ingredient of success is desire.
Do you know what you want?
Your desire is the planting of your seed.

Your desire for success must be so strong within you
that it's the very breath of your life.
It must be your first thought when you wake in the morning,
and your last thought when you go to bed at night.

You can be whatever you make up your mind to be.
What's in your mind is all that counts.


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